Cheap Flights to Abidjan

Find Your Cheap Flight To Abidjan ABJ

Cheap Flights to Abidjan (ABJ)

You can find the best deals on flights to Abidjan with Use our free airline comparison tool to find the best price and cheapest air tickets to Abidjan.

You can book economy or business class. There are multiple filters available. You can choose a direct flight to Abidjan (ABJ) or set up layovers.

Switch over to our hotel’s tab, to find the cheap hotels in Abidjan.

How to find a cheap air ticket to Abidjan (ABJ)

At topFlightsNow we use trusted partners to provide the best deal for you. When you use our search, you can compare the offers from all of our partners. This will help you find the absolute best deal on your air ticket to Abidjan.

Which airlines fly to Abidjan airport?

When you plan a trip to Abidjan you will have multiple airlines for direct flights. However, direct lines are only available from the biggest airline hubs. This means that if you are traveling from another location, you will need to book a flight with a layover. 

The biggest airlines that fly to Abidjan are the following: Emirates, Turkish Airlines, Brussels Airlines and Austrian Airlines.

What is the closest airport to Abidjan?

The airport that serves Abidjan is called Felix Houphouet-Boigny Intl. When you arrive at the airport you will find out that it’s 13KM (approximately 8 miles) from the center of Abidjan. When you travel to Abidjan you don’t need to consider another airport. The closest airport is Abidjan Airport (ABJ) and it’s the main airport of the area.


Abidjan Curfew

Did you know that Abidjan has a curfew? It’s a reminder of the past, and even today still in effect.

From midnight until five in the morning, free movement is limited in the city. The major military checkpoints will not let anyone through. When you stay in Abidjan make sure that you get to where you want to be before the curfew.

Car Rental in Abidjan

For the safest travel experience, you can rent a car when you stay in Abidjan. After you find the best flight, this will help you stay relatively safe. Another option is to take a taxi everywhere. Although Cote d’Ivoire is not the same as it was years ago, you still have to pay attention to be safe.

When you drive a private car, you will have to pass military checkpoints. Just keep in mind, that you should follow the directions you are given and comply with the request of officials. You have nothing to be worried about, it’s normal procedure in Abidjan.

Mind the Pickpockets

When in crowded places, always keep a close eye on your valuables. Unfortunately, through the hard years of the past, pickpockets are rampant in the city. If you pay attention, it won’t be a problem for you. Just make sure that you keep everything zipped up and in a closed-up space. Don’t leave anything in the outer pockets of bags.